
This is a blog about being a more productive academic. First and foremost, it is about using your computer smarter, smoother, more elegantly, and more efficiently. It is about software and techniques that allow you do do the most common things (writing, presenting, working with email, maintaining calendars)  faster and easier. It is also about software to do things you may not be yet doing (project planning, task management, timing your activities).

Even though it is mostly about software, sometimes I write about processes or ‘workflows’ which really go hand in hand with using Mac and help us to become more productive.

Enjoy reading!

Aleh Cherp

11 Responses to About

  1. You know what? Your blog is just awesome, so many useful tips and resources, I really appreciate it!


  2. JBL says:

    Love your blog! Quick note: Not sure if i’m the only one, but this site — likely the “snowflake” animations in particular — spike my CPU usage to 30-40% minimum and holds at that or higher rate as long as this browser tab (Safari) is active. Perhaps you can disable the animation? Thanks! =P


  3. exegete77 says:

    Very helpful blog. I have been using Macs for 24 years. Find the same walls of frustration that you encounter, especially the Powerpoint-itis that invades both corporate and academic communities. Excellent resources and tips. Thanks


  4. tudoreynon says:

    Thank you Aleh. Between you and David Sparks my Mac game has changed beyond belief. I was happy with my change to Mac anyway, but the difference now is amazing. I hope I can help others within the Academic community as much some time.
    If you ever need anything look me up. My own blog isn’t up yet, maybe in a year or so!
    There is an academic community springing up parallel to the ‘official’ one I think. I am semi-retired and a lot of good people are now outside tenure track and so on…


  5. JohnAtl says:

    Wait, didn’t macademic shut down for a while? Glad to see new posts, if so. I’ve learned a lot from your blog.


  6. Bobb says:

    Hi All, I’m new to the Mac world, and loving the stuff I learned on Macademic (Aleh and Co., your posts have been really, really helpful). Can anyone recommend similar sites or forums that may be more active?


  7. kclancaster says:

    As a fellow Mac user, academic, and software geek I really have enjoyed the blog. I notice that you have not posted in a very long time. Are you going to continue with the blog?


  8. Huda says:

    I just discovered this blog, and I gotta say I wish I had earlier! Will probably check out the new ReadCube Papers app which I have a lot of hope for!


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